14.01.2014  Linktip 
MOHID Water Modelling System (www.mohid.com) is an integrated numerical modelling system that consists of two main numerical simulation models:

(i) MOHID Water – applicable to surface water bodies (ocean, coastal areas, estuaries, reservoirs and lakes) and

(ii) MOHID Land – applicable to watersheds.

The MOHID Water basic training package is directed at graduation and post-graduation students, scientists, engineers and professionals that develop their research/work in projects related with the ocean, coastal areas, estuaries and other aquatic systems, both in physics, biology, chemistry, ecology and environmental sciences or water quality.

The training course is designed to be practical and aims to provide the student an introduction about using MOHID Water model and support tools and its capabilities in simulating aquatic systems.
Beginn:  07.07.2014  09:00
Ende:  11.07.2014  12:00
Ort:  Dresdner Grundwasserforschungszentrum e.V.
Meraner Straße 10
01217 Dresden Germany